Equate Beauty Extra Strength Anti Dandruff Shampoo, 6 fl oz.
$2.89 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Equate Beauty Extra Strength Anti Dandruff Coal Tar Shampoo, 6 Fl oz. Controls redness, intense itching and flaking for severe scalp conditions. Provides long lasting relief of itchy, flaky, scalp due to Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis. Helps control dandruff with excellent dandruff relief. Gentle enough for daily use and starts working after just one use, reduces symptoms for an entire week, and comes in an easy to transport 6 Fl oz bottle. Made with coal tar extracts proven to deliver effective scalp therapy for a healthy scalp. Compare to Neutrogena T/Gel therapeutic dandruff treatment shampoo.
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